Subcommittees and Current Assignments
Subcommittee A: Recommendations for Further Investigation and Research.
- This sub-committee is discussing topics that need to be addressed in the C&S manual. The sub-committee is developing a list of manual parts that need to be written and will bring the list before the full committee for discussion. Several members of Committee A are working on requirements for providing remote diagnostics and equipment status reporting. Once an outline is formed, this will be assigned to C36, C37, C38 or C39.
Subcommittee 1: Signal Systems.
- Working on new manual parts for crossbonding in electrified territory and time locking in cab signaling territory without wayside signals.
Subcommittee 2: Signal Equipment.
- D2-1-23: New Manual Part on Axle Counter Application.
- Working on a manual part for recommended practices for designing submergible signal equipment and reviewing the requirements for vibration testing as recommended by Sub-Committee A.
Subcommittee 3: Signal Control & Applications.
- Looking toward establishing a standard approach to vital application software including nomenclature and symbology.