Structures Functional Group

Technical Committee 10 – Structures Maintenance & Construction

This committee is responsible for the development and publication of recommended practices and information relating to railroad bridge management. This Committee is also responsible for producing and updating independent publications, seminars and conference material which relate to the actual construction or maintenance of railway structures that is consistent with Manual for Railway Engineering material.


Nila Abubakar, PE

Principal / Managing Director / Diagnostics

Walter P Moore


Vice Chair

Michael Schaefer

Assist Dir Br Const

BNSF Railway



Rebecca Wingate, PE

CREATE Program Manager

Association of American Railroads (AAR)


Ask John Articles

The Ask John column can be found as a monthly feature in the AREMA News section of RT&S Magazine .

Subcommittees and Current Assignments

All current assignments are on-going.

Subcommittee A, Recommendation for Further Research, Rafer Nichols Chair – Looking for recommendations and committee members to take lead on future research.

Subcommittee B, Revision of Manual, Mark Shafer Chair

Subcommittee 1, Bridge Management Systems, Ross White Chair – Working to create a health of the manual template and incorporate re-affirmation notes.

Subcommittee 2, Education and Training, Steve Hill Chair - Hoping to conduct Br. Insp class with Amtrak and offer the first bridge repair / maintenance seminar in 2024.

Subcommittee 3, Publications, Pete Davis Chair – Working with subcommittee 4 to get the repair / maintenance manual published.

Subcommittee 4, Repair / maintenance manual, Dan Tingley Chair – Working with subcommittee 3 to get the repair / maintenance manual published.

Subcommittee 5, Rules, Mike Collins Chair – Will be working to implement new By-Laws at the committee level once they are issued.

Subcommittee 6, Communication and Outreach, Fernando Moreu Chair – Drafting a boilerplate communication that can be used by committee members to reach out to their alma maters and other institutions in their areas to try to bolster AREMA membership and foster student chapters.

Ad-Hoc Subcommittee, Julina Corona Chair – Creating sustainability presentation.