Subcommittees and Current Assignments
Subcommittee A: Recommendations for Further Investigation and Research.
Subcommittee B: Revision of Manual.
Subcommittee 2: Track Tools.
C2-1-79: Review Manual for inclusion of new and additional track tools. Update Part 6, Specification and Plans for Track Tools. Ongoing assignment.
Subcommittee 4: Track design, collaborating as necessary with Committees 1, 4 and 30 (liaison only).
C4-1-02: Coordinate with the Passenger and Transit Group (and particularly with Committees 11, 12 and 17) for the prioritization and development of passenger and transit-specific trackwork plans for inclusion in the Portfolio. Ongoing assignment.
Subcommittee 5: Turnout and crossing design, collaborating as necessary with Committees 1, 4 and 30.
C5-1-90: Update Portfolio of Trackwork Plans. Ongoing assignment.
C5-1-96: Revise tolerances on special trackwork. Ongoing assignment.
Subcommittee 7: Track Construction.
C7-1-08: Update Manual on topics of track construction and maintenance. Ongoing assignment.
Subcommittee 8: Criteria for track geometry design as related to modern equipment, collaborating as necessary with other AREMA technical committees, and AAR.
C8-1-08: Update turnout and crossing design. Ongoing assignment.
C8-2-08: Investigate speed through turnouts. Ongoing assignment.
Subcommittee 9: Highway Railway Grade Crossings.
C9-1-92: Update Part 8, Highway/railway grade crossings. Ongoing assignment.