Steps to Establishing an AREMA Student Chapter

  1. Initiate communication with the AREMA Student Chapter Coordinator by emailing OR with AREMA member in your faculty or staff, who can facilitate your contact to AREMA (see AREMA directory).
  2. Collect and forward to AREMA the following items: 
    • Description of your institution’s programs or courses that incorporate railway topics;
    • A list of five student members and an advisor who are petitioning to form the student chapter. (Selected officers must be eligible and in the process of applying for AREMA Student Membership).
    • A copy of adopted-by-laws with the proposed student chapter name and date of adoption (see student chapter web page for a sample chapter charter);
    • The host institution must have on faculty or staff an individual, who is a current member of AREMA or eligible for membership in AREMA at the Associate Member level or higher, to serve as the student chapter advisor. (Non-AREMA advisors eligible for membership who join for purposes of establishing a student chapter will receive their first year’s membership free of charge.)
    • AREMA will consider the petition and supporting documents. If the student chapter is approved, AREMA will file a completed student chapter charter and supporting documents at headquarters.
  3. Once received at AREMA headquarters, the student chapter will be added to the AREMA system (membership database and website) and the advisor will be added to the Advisor Email List. Important information about upcoming programs, events, contests, etc. is sent via email. A certificate recognizing the chapter’s chartering will be presented to the chapter.
  4. Chapter officer information should be forwarded to the Student Chapter Coordinator as soon as possible.